Some Thoughts

Monday, July 11, 2011

Ammoomma, Me and Kathakali

I was just 6 or 7 years old when I went to see Kathakali for the first time…. My grandma, ammoomma was always expressing her desire to go to Thirunnakkara Mahadevar temple during the Utsavam to watch Kathakali. But I don’t know whether anyone volunteered to take her and stay with her till morning , as the Kathakali performance would end only as the first rays of sun appear.

One day Ammoomma’s youngest son Aniyammavan told her, “Today I’ll take you to see Kathakali, so get ready by evening. She was very happy and finished off all her work. She instructed Paruamma, the servant on getting ready the dinner for all members and even serving it. Paruamma was in her usual self, grumbling and complaining.. Paruamma was always unhappy. She never smiled. Throughout the day she would be the kitchen, or outside the house and she even had to look after the cows.

Paruamma asked Ammoomma, “Will you take me to see kathakali?” Ammoomma got angry, “Ok, then you go and I’ll stay here.” The disappointed Paruamma went off grumbling.. All this time I was wondering, what this Kathakali is…..I waited for ammoomma to be in good mood to ask her to take me with her. But I didn’t have to ask. She was always kind and good to me. She never got angry with me. She would take me everywhere she went.

During the afternoon she told me the story of Keechaka vadham briefly. I don’t think I listened to the story, in my excitement of going out. Aniyammavan came home early and Ammoomma asked him to get permission from the karanavar Gopalachettan for going out. He was always present at the poomukham, lying on his easy chair. In those days everyone had a fear for the elders, may be out of respect. Without their consent, no one dared to go out.

Ammoomma got ready in her best clothes. Her dress was the same….without any color. She wore a white mundu, rowka [blouse] stitched with her own hands and a neriyathu. Everything was white. She had her clothes dhobi washed and ironed which were kept in a wooden box. She would keep the empty wrappers of incense sticks, camphor or even chempaka flowers in the box. So her dresses smelled very pleasant.

I too was dressed in my best frock. In those days people spent very little on clothes. As the number of clothes was less, we didn’t have much choice but to wear the same few everywhere. Seeing me too ready, Aniyammavan told Ammooomma why you are taking this silly girl, when she hear the sound of Keechaka she will die of fear. She may even sleep and fall down from the chair, little knowing what was going to happen. Ammoomma didn’t listen to him but took my hands and we walked to the venue. I remember it was a small hall with a low stage, and there were very few people, seated on chairs. Someone took us to the front row and we were seated there next to the stage. I was sitting at the centre of the row, next to ammoomma.

Soon the huge kalivilakku was lit, and music started with chenda and maddalam and edakka. I watched in amusement. Two people were standing holding a curtain, and it took a long time to move it and the first vesham [performer] appear. It was keechakan and Draupati. Keechakan was trying to seduce Draupati and she was trying to escape. Sometimes I felt they would fall on me. The Kathakali dress and their facial expressions frightened me. I was feeling sleepy too. I sat clinging to grandma and tried to keep my sleepy eyes open. I wanted to go home.

I might have fell asleep and dreamt of Bheema killing me instead of Keechaka that I woke up with a loud cry and fell down from the chair. All eyes turned to me, even that of Keechaka, Bheema and Draupati. And I think I saw a smile on the ferocious face of Keechaka, though he was half killed by Bheema. Thus the Keechakavadham Kathakali ended.

On our way back, Aniyammavan was teasing all the way, while Ammoomma expressed her disappointment that she couldn’t enjoy the performance because of me..then she added, “Even if I leave her at home, how could I have enjoyed?” I don’t think poor Ammoomma might have got another chance to see a Kathakali. And I never remembered to ask and fulfill her wish. Such incidents have great impact on our life that a smell or song or a sight can trigger the memories even after 50 or more years..

The interesting thing that I realize now is that I too never went for a Kathakali after that….

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