Ammoomma would get up even before the sun rises. I too would walk slowly holding her dress, careful not to stamp on anyone sleeping on the floor. But she couldn't open the heavy wooden door without making the brrr sound. Then she would light an oil lamp towards the east and uttering her usual prayers move to the kitchen. Outside the kitchen Paru amma the servant would be sleeping. Ammoomma would open the kitchen door with as much sound as she can and Paru would get up with a jerk and start her day grumbling.
The kitchen was a dreadful place for me. It was always dark and there were many cockroaches. There was a wooden container with a sliding lid which was used to store salt. Every morning I see a cockroach coming out of it and Ammoomma would shout at Paru for not closing the lid properly.
The day started. The sound of drawing water from the well and sweeping the frontyard will wake up every member. I would sit on the large wooden box in the kitchen and watch others. Only when there is light outside I'll move from the sight of Ammoomma.
There were many children in the house. But I don't think anyone was so insecure and less confident as me.
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