Some Thoughts

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Aniyammavan knew he was handsome..that is why he would sing almost every day when he see me,  “Aniyammavante kaarunyasheelante kamaneeyangante………” He was ammavan to many……everyone younger to him called him Aniyammavan….He was the favourite brother to all his sisters…
He was my best friend, we fought, he made me cry by saying I was an adopted child, by calling me Mandoos and Bhudhoos…..Ammoomma and Aniyammavan were the people I was very much attached to, in my childhood….

Malathi valiamma was so attached to him that she died of heart attack just as Aniyammavan was under going a major surgery..She couldn’t wait for her favorite brother to return..She couldn’t bear to see him suffering.. Kumari valliamma silently followed her.. I still remember Aniyammavan’s blank face as he sat near Kumari valiamma’s body for many hours....He had no words and no tears for her..It was just a suffering when he lost his two sisters in a few months’ time..
He was brave and ever smiling..He tried to frighten the children with his Meesa but never succeeded as he had a cute and handsome face.. We lost him before we could accept the fact that he was ill..When I last met him, he was very ill, he held my hand and I felt all the affection he had for me when I was a child..I cried that night, but not when he left us..
It was the day when he passed away that I felt most angry with God..The main reason was that Ammoomma was at Bharathi chitta’s house with a fractured leg and couldn’t see her son for the last time..She didn’t cry, may be she got used to deaths…one by one, of her children..
Amma’s final diagnosis showed to have a malignant pancrease.. She was so cool when she listened to doctors explaining that there was  no hope of recovery..She smiled and said “I knew I would die of cancer, because my Aniyan too had the same disease..
Bharathi chitta was the silent sufferer among all…..She cried with no sound.. Shankarankutty ammavan showed a fake tough look as he was the big brother and not expected to cry..
I don’t know what it was which made him so lovable…. His sense of humor, his caring nature or his love for us, children….We were not lucky to have him for long…..
Aniyammavan was very lucky, as he was loved by anyone who knew him.

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